python-poppler’s documentation!¶
python-poppler is a Python binding to the poppler-cpp library. It allows to read PDF documents, render them, and to modify some information inside the documents.
You can use python-poppler for a variety of tasks. For example:
To extract text from a PDF file
To render pages of a PDF document as images
To read and modify the properties of a PDF document
To build a simple PDF viewer to perform special operations using PDF documents
This is a personal project, in the sense I’m not affiliated in any way to the Poppler library. I did this for my own needs, because I didn’t find other Python library to easily display PDF files. I’m not aware of other Python library interfacing especially the poppler-cpp library.
python-poppler is licensed GPL v2.0. This is because Poppler itself (and the original xpdf code base) also is licensed using GPL. Before using this software, be sure to understand what are the implications of this license.
Installation section is about installing or compiling python-poppler.
Using python-poppler section is about how to actually use the python-poppler library.
Contributing section is about submitting bugs or pull requests to the project.
Changelog section gives information about releases of the project.
API Reference lists all modules, classes, and methods. The reference section is still a work in progress…
About poppler¶
Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. It consists in a private backend (libpoppler), and in multiple frontends:
cpp (libppoppler-cpp): A cpp library, without additional requirements
glib (libpoppler-glib): A GTK library
qt5 (libpoppler-qt5): A Qt library
Poppler is used by many PDF viewers:
evince (using poppler-glib)
okular and qpdfview (using poppler-qt5)
Useful links¶
Here are few useful links related to the Poppler library:
Poppler homepage
API documentation for poppler-cpp